Adding palette entries


There are many methods of adding colour entries to the palette.

Palette ► Add a colour…
Selecting a colour from a standard colour picker dialog.
Selection from the subject image
Using the mouse to select colours from the filtered Subject layer.
Selection from the canvas image
Using the mouse to select colours from the Scanvas layer.
Selection from a palette image
Using the mouse to select colours from the image in the Palette 2 tool tab.
Palette ► Generate colour strings… ⌃⇧G
Generating a sequence of colours mixed between two selected ingredient colours.
Palette ► Selected palette entries ► Sequences ► Generate tone strings… ⌃⇧V
Selecting a colour and generate colour strings from black to the colour and the colour to white.
Palette ► Add subject colours…
Getting the computer to pick a specified number of colours from the subject.
Palette ► Load named colours…
Loading reference colours from various resources found on the web.
Palette ► Load cube palette…
Generating a range of colours distributed across the sRGB colour space.
Saving a mix
Using a save button in the Mixing 6 tool tab.

Add a colour…

Palette ► Add a colour…

Select a colour from a standard colour picker dialog.

There are many different ways to specify the colour.

Selection from the subject image

Hold down the key (or choose select colour from the command control in the bottom left hand corner) and click in the work area to sample the subject colour from a 10px square (the select_area_click_width preference) or drag with the mouse pointer to create a rectangle from which the average colour will be sampled.

Selection from the canvas image

Same as for sampling the subject above but with the key held down as well. (Or choose canvas selection from the command control in the bottom left hand corner)

Selection from a palette image

Similar to the above hold down and click or drag a selection on the palette image.

Add subject colours…

Palette ► Add subject colours…

This will display a dialog asking how many colours to generate. The program then picks a spread of representative colours that (it hopes) will render the subject well.

Load cube palette…

Palette ► Load cube palette…

This generates a range of colours distributed evenly across the sRGB colour space.

A dialog is displayed in which we can enter the number of colours along each edge. The number of colours generated will be the cube of this number.

Load named colours…

Palette ► Load named colours…

These menu items load named colours from various sources.

Generate colour strings…

Save a mix